Upcycling in Style Katie Linendoll on The Weather Channel

Katie featured some top eco-friendly gift ideas today on The Weather Channel with Jim Cantore and Jordan Steele. Each of these companies use unique materials to create their products.



Green Guru Gear turns outdoor materials like bike innertubes, tents, and wetsuits into stylish items like wallets and commuter backpacks. The company was created by outdoor enthusiasts hoping for more eco-friendly products so they decided to build their own in Colorado. Shops and companies donate their leftover materials or old gear from all over the country and materials are upcycled into unique and stylish products.

Hot on trend is recovery footwear and say hello to Kane Footwear’s Revive line, which has a focus on sustainability. My good friend and trainer Kari Pearce 4x USA Crossfit Champion just announced her own stylish shoe in this lineup! Kane Footwear isn’t new to sustainability.  Their biggest innovation is materials: Kane creates RestoreFoam from Brazilian sugarcane that helps reduce greenhouse gases. And their trendy recovery design is constructed with the ideal balance of cushioning and support to help the body recover.


Kane footwear is Certified B Corp and is held to the highest standard. They also tout a nearly zero waste model for their shoe mold. Even all of their packaging is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Did you know over 1 billion phone cases are purchased every year? We're constantly upgrading our cases and they kinda represent our style.


Atom Studios isn’t just checking the sustainability box they are all in for all their products from start to finish. From where they source their materials; to the sustainable wood fiber and recycled cardboard; to the 100% recyclable packaging and even plant-based inks. 

Nick Ostroff